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Phelps, Park, Biedermann among swim surprises (Yahoo! Sports)

1 Comment

  • AJ Bender
    Posted July 31, 2012 at 1:10 pm

    Phelps has finally redeemed himself by scoring Silver and Gold medals. He promised that he would get up there and do his best and thankfully he didn’t disappoint. The Olympics are being aired on several stations which kind of makes it hard to set the DVR. A Dish co-worker suggested I upgrade to the Hopper a few months ago which comes with three tuners so I can record all those stations and it also has four times more space than your average DVR! Now I can make sure that all of my favorite events are being recorded and I don’t have to worry that I’ll run out of space. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for the swim team – I know they can keep going for the gold.

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